Early Work

Foe Fauve Figures

I am very interested in bright, saturated and intense color palettes and the challenge of balancing warm and cool colors within it to create space and form. These figure paintings are my body of work from a semester of intermediate painting. I started off the semester studying the Wild Beasts (Fauvists) and trying to imitate their style with an intense and saturated color palette, underpainting and overpainting, and balancing warm and cool colors...as the semester moved on I became more interested in literally just studying the figure and really just moving into arbitrary color and intensifying the colors I observed...I need a lot more studying and practice under my belt before taking on the Beasts...

(20x20) Canvas

(16x16) Canvas

I wanted to focus more on the drawing of my figures at this stage of my series, so I decided to show more of the process of my thinking and of my painting in the final piece. In painting, lines are formed by the value or color change in touching planes, but I made the lines literal in this painting and the one below and drew them in to show my drawing process and investigation.

(8x10) Canvas

(12x12) Canvas

Figure 1
(8x8) Canvas

Figure 2
(8x8) Canvas

Two Figures
(12x12) Canvas

(10x24) Canvas

Figure 3
(8x10) Canvas

(16x20) Canvas

Figure Standing
(9x12) Canvas

(16x16) Panel

Figure 4
(9x12) Canvas

Figure 5 
(16x20) Panel

End of the semester critique display

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