Artist Statement

New Paintings

       Our reaction to situations defines us as an individual, and in turn defines our society as a whole. People have many different views, and morals that justify their reactions.  In my new paintings I am depicting my own reaction to certain situations as well as reactions I have observed. I enjoy composing multiple influences, reactions and ways of thinking that I have encountered onto one canvas so that I can confront them and attempt to break the segregation of people based on them. Some of the paintings require the viewer’s own reaction to the piece in order to complete the idea of multiple ways of thinking about that situation.
       In these new paintings, I am using intense colors selectively to portray a sense of aggravation to the eye and aggression on the canvas.  This is another strategy to addressing the idea of one’s reaction to a situation and also to the effect it has on the surrounding composition.
       Along with my focus on the concept of my work, I am also continuing my exploration on how the body can relate to the space around it. My multiple figure usage is an aid in addressing the idea of relationships between bodies as a formal element, and also the relationships between figures as a conceptual element.
        I allow my paintings to choose their direction through my mistakes and experiments that are first built on a strong foundation of drawing, concept, composition, and color planning.

Ashley Garner



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